Australasian Seabird Group

Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015 - $500

Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the International Albatross & Petrel Conference (IAPC5) in Wellington, New Zealand - Aug 2012 - $500

Birdlife Australia

Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award conference funding to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015  - $1500

Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award - 2013 - $5000

Stuart Leslie Bird Research Award - 2012 - $3000

Birds Australia

Birds Queensland

James Cook University

Honours Research Bursary - 2010 - $5000

National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF)

World Seabird Union

Conference Travel Award to attend and present my work at the 2nd World Seabird Conference (WSC2) in Cape Town, South Africa - Oct 2015  - US$1900